I Quit Porn, Here’s How To Do It
I’m here to tell you that there is a way out. I know it might feel as if all hope is lost right now, but let’s walk this road together.
We’ve all had those late, lonesome nights where the boredom gives way to an enticing keyboard, which then leads to, not only self-deprecation and pity, but also to a irrevocable sense of wrong.
Or maybe, you’ve reached a point where the act simply doesn’t result in any feeling whatsoever — that’s where the real fun begins.
That’s where I was. The endless stream of sexualized content and pornography became common place. I would indulge in it multiple times per day and not feel the smallest ounce of guilt over it.
The Real Problem
Your real issue isn’t porn — it’s purpose. You aren’t struggling with your carnel desires, you are battling purposelessness. Read the article below to gain a better understanding of how to find true purpose:
How To Quite Porn
- The Only Real Solution, Find God: When I gave my life up to Christ, the need for that external fulfillment deminished immediately. Your sexual deviancy, never truly leaves, but it no longer has an unbreakable grip over your life. Ultimately, you are in need of a new heart, not a new strategy to overcome lust. Remember, you are struggling with a purpose problem, not a sex problem.
- Understand The Impact It Has On Your Future Spouse: You won’t always be alone in this life, and if you are currently committed to someone, you better listen more intently. What do you think your use of pornography will do to them? How will it make them feel once they find out that the person that they love has dedicated so much to lustfull indulgence? Don’t hurt them like that — be better.
- Understand The Impact It Has On The People Around You: Whether you are a man or a woman — porn will screw with how you view the opposite sex. Don’t treat people like commodoties by developing the pattern of reducing them down to their meat in your mind.
- You Need To Tell Someone: Ultimately, battling this alone is an immense task and you do require help. Confide in someone close to you — it can be a friend or a family member. Their role is to keep you accountable and help you bear the challenge. I know it might be terrifying, but I promise you, it will help.
This is by no means a complete, step-by-step guide on how to beat your addiction. These are simply some things that helped me climb out of the hole that I was in.
I urge each and every one of you to continue searching for help. This is a long and hard journey, but you have got this.